Lilly Dye

Position title: Executive Chair


My name is Lilly Dye, and I am a senior majoring in Neurobiology and Psychology. I’ve has been with EXPO for four years! Previously I was the Speakers Chair, Student Exhibits Chair, and was last year’s Co-Executive Chair. My favorite thing about EXPO is being able to offer a free event that inspires thousands of kids and gets them excited about STEM, as well as hearing “Can we come back tomorrow?” from so many kids. I was an EXPO attendee herself as a young girl! I remember seeing the UW Biomechanics exhibit at EXPO when I was a little girl, and I think it is one of the main reasons I ended up taking tons of science classes down the road.

As the Co-Executive Chair, my responsibilities include providing support to other chair positions, especially the Student Exhibits and Speakers Chair, as well as helping to run meetings, making bigger purchases and planning ways to continually improve EXPO.

Outside of EXPO, I have picked up the hobby of crocheting and am working on new gear for the winter. I also love to sing. Another interest of mine is traveling and I was able to go to Spain this past summer!

If you have any questions for me, reach out via email at